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A Rising Star In Hollywood

Dallas Liu: From Tekken to Avatar, an Indonesian-American Actor's Journey

A Rising Star in Hollywood

Dallas Liu, an Indonesian-American actor, has made a mark in Hollywood with his remarkable performances. From his debut as young Jin Kazama in Tekken (2009) to his breakout role as Shuji in the acclaimed television series PEN15, Liu has showcased his versatility and talent.

The Avatar Connection

Liu's career reached new heights with his portrayal of Zuko in Netflix's live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. This iconic role brought him widespread recognition and solidified his status as a rising star. Liu's Indonesian heritage adds a unique perspective to his portrayal of the beloved character.

Liu's success is not only a testament to his hard work and dedication but also to the growing representation of Asian-American actors in the entertainment industry. His journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists from all backgrounds.
